Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Bring It

A few weeks back, my training scheudle included a day of 3.5k swim, 5 hour bike and a brick run. I looked at it and thought my coach was crazy. Tehre was no way I was going to be able to fit that in one day! Maybe a shorter swim or bike, maybe I'd just skip the brick run.

I ended up doing it all, just as prescribed.

Yesterday, same thing. I orginally had a 4k swim and a 5 hour bike planned; he added in a brick run for good measure.

"How am I going to fit this all in?" was my response. Maybe I could cut this corner; shorter swim or bike or......

Wait. I'm getting ready for THE IRONMAN. October 13 is going to go longer than what I did yesterday. But I'll never make it to the finish line if I don't do the hard yards (Kilometers? Miles?) now. It's also giving me time to practice nutrition/hydration, as well as developing the mental strategies for a long day.

Just looked at my schedule - looks like next week I have another day like yesterday. My repsonse?


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly how you feel. I say the same things and manage to get it done...and I'm only going half the distance. When I grow up, I wanna be just like you! BRING IT! GO, DOC, GO
