A few (20+) years ago, I remember listening to Jimmy Buffett sing about how he was an over 40 victim of fate - and 40 seemed like it was so far away.
Now I'm 40, and it seems really young!
And look at a few recent examples of how young 40-ish can be:
-- The last 2 guys to win Kona - Macca and Crowie - were the oldest ever to win (38+).
-- Lance Armstrong takes second in Panama 70.3 at 40 after 20 years away from triathlon.
-- And it's not just the blokes: Dara Torres won 3 silvers in swimming at 41, and is talking about going back to the olympics in 2012 - at 45 - and Janet Evans at 40 is booked in the Olympic Trials this summer.
And just so you think it's only about 40 - this guy decided at 100 he was going to do something fun - like set a record in cycling http://nyti.ms/xI9jmm
Gives hope for those of us who used to think that 40 was old...
Definitely gives this 46year old hope...still looking for a sponsor for a short, plump, back of the pack triathlete.