I Couldn't Do That
Ever tell someone that you just swam so much, or maybe how long your ride was, and their response was, 'I couldn't do that.'? Ever look at an Iron-distance race and though how you couldn't finish that distance?
Why not?
Most of the time, we set our own limits; we decide in our minds what we can or can't do, and then our bodies follow. I try to point out to folks that they CAN do it, they just need to WANT to do it. And you have to start somewhere.
Can't do an Iron - do a Half.
Can't do a Half - do an Olympic.
Can't swim - do a duathlon.
Can't bike - find a 5k.
Can't do a 5k - run 20 yards.
Can't run - get off your rump and walk to the mailbox.
It all starts from somewhere, as soon as you believe you can. Not everyone will stand on the podium in Kona, but we can all enjoy fitness and health, the accomplishment of achieving goals, and the friendship that comes from activity.
You CAN do that!